Title: Patriotic Display, Veranda of Graves Hotel, Harlowton, Montana
Date: January 1, 1918
Location: Harlowton, Montana
Photographer: Sorboe, Thomas E.
Description: A display on the veranda of the Graves Hotel, Harlowton, Montana honoring the soldiers going off to World War I. Two crossed U.S. flags with an eagle above a statue of Uncle Sam. Sign reads: "This American is going to France. All good Americans should follow him to General Pershing's camp." Vintage 5x7 inch glass negative. (Sorboe no. 1116 for R. Kane)
Format: image/jpeg
Source: Thomas E. Sorboe Collection
Rights: Copyright restrictions available from the Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive
Catalog Number: x75.3.2516